100% Cusco-Based Peruvian Company

Waiver of Liability Adventure Activities Mapi Tour Peru

Waiver of Liability Adventure Activities Mapi Tour Peru

By signing this document, I am aware that taking care part in adventurous activities in remote locations Mapi Tour Peru EIRL cannot eliminate these risks without undermining the adventure experience or the reason for taking part. I am prepared to accept such inherent risks and personal injury that may occur on a trip of this nature. At the same time, I have taken out personal travel insurance that will cover personal injury (including search and rescue) should any accident happen to me while list partaking in these adventure activities. I accept that I am empowered to ask for any information that may help me to understand the inherent risks involved in this activity (ies).

I understand that individual adventure activities may require me to take part in continuous, moderate exercise for several hours. I believe that I am capable of this and I undertake to inform Mapi Tour Peru of any factors that may affect my, or anyone else’s safety. I understand that this document is not a disclaimer and in no ways affects the “duty of care” that Mapi Tour Peru must demonstrate.

In the unlikely event of personal injury, I understand that Mapi Tour Peru can only held responsible for that is “foreseeable” by a “reasonable” person possessing the level of expertise Mapi Tour Peru EIRL staff have, as laid down in Peruvian law.

I AGREE THAT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL SERVE AS A COMPLETE RELEASE AND EXPRESS ASSUMPTION OF RISK for myself, all members of my family and all minors traveling with me, my and their heirs, successors, assigns, and legal representatives.

COVID-19: The Peruvian government currently recommends the optional use of face masks and vaccination.
Regarding healthy practices measures, the client understands that Mapi Tour Peru EIRL has taken the necessary actions within the operation of the trip for this purpose. The client understands that the risks related to coronavirus and other diseases that could be acquired are inherent to the trip and assumes those risks.

Your Information

First Name:


Last Name:








*NOTE: This form will be provided to you at the pre-departure briefing.